• Sneak Peeks

    Ricci Flow

    “As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain;and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.“ -Albert Einstein In 1900, Henri Poincare put for a conjecture that colloquially states that“If it walks like a sphere and it quacks like a sphere, it is a sphere.” This statement, known as the Poincare conjecture, became one of the early questions in a field now called “low-dimensional topology” and proved itself to be extremely subtle and intractable. It attracted the attention of many great mathematicians and attempts to solve it lead to the…

  • Sneak Peeks

    Bessel’s Function

    Just imagine a dew drop falling from a leaf on the surface of an absolutely calm lake, creating short ripples in water which then fight among themselves and disappear in time. Such an amazing thing to watch but, today we will unfold the mathematics behind it. The function which defines the phenomenon stated above or any acoustic activity on a circular membrane (exploited by most of the musical instruments) is called the Bessel’s function in the honour of the German astronomer Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel. The Bessel function was first defined by famous mathematician Daniel Bernoulli and then generalized by  Friedrich Bessel…

  • Sneak Peeks

    The Collatz Conjecture

    Lets take a positive integer. If the chosen number is even then just divide it by 2. If the chosen number is odd triple it and add 1. Now keep applying these rules repeatedly. Statement:- This process will eventually reach the number 1, regardless of which positive integer is chosen initially. In notation: (that is: ai is the value of f applied to n recursively i times; ai = fi(n)). That smallest i such that ai = 1 is called the total stopping time of n. The conjecture asserts that every n has a well-defined total stopping time. If, for some n, such an i doesn’t exist, we say that n has infinite total stopping time and the conjecture is false. If the conjecture is false,…

  • Sneak Peeks

    Fascinating Quaternions

    Let us imagine taking strolls in One Dimension. Well we seem to only move forward and backward along a single line in a fixed direction. We can imagine walking along the real number line. Now if we represent our position in this situation we would be using One Dimensional numbers. Now lets move onto a Two Dimensional walk. We can simply represent these as moving around in a flat plane with definite X and Y axes to pin point our position. The question arises, ‘Can we denote our position by a single number?’ The answer is fascinating in itself because…

  • Sneak Peeks

    The Hemchandra Sequence

    Mathematics in early days was seen as some kind of tool to make particular art forms perfect and in sync with nature. Now here comes the story of perfecting the art of poetry from 11th century India. Acharya Hemchandra Suri born in 1088 AD was a prodigy in himself to have expanded in vast fields like Grammar, Poetry, Lexicography, and most famously Mathematics. As we are particularly interested in mathematics I must acknowledge his enormous achievement in this area. Hemchandra described the Fibonacci sequence in 1150 AD fifty years before Fibonacci himself. He was considering a sequence of notes of…